Android App for the ROMDAS Z-250 Reference Profiler
We are excited to announce the release of the Android application software for the World Bank Class 1 ROMDAS Z-250 Reference Profiler!
Z-250 reference profiler is used to collect longitudinal profiles manually and calculate roughness (IRI) values. With new Android application, the Z-250 operational principle remains the same - data collected will be stored on the mobile device via Bluetooth.
The collected data will be output in CSV and PPF file format which can be easily used in free Proval software for further analysis.
We can also customise the Z-250 foot length to be configurable to meet certain standards and project requirements.
Key features and changes with the new Z-250 reference Profiler Android software application:
- Replaces older Windows based Z-250 software and the hand-held unit.
- Android mobile device will be provided at the time of purchase.
- The mobile device will be pre-installed with new ROMDAS Z-250 software application version.
Contact us today to learn more about the Z-250 Android App.